Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Welcome to Wichita Wiserly

Welcome to the beginnings of Wichita Wiserly! Although a humble start, I hope this site can help every couponer in Wichita be a faithful steward of God's blessings. Being frugal and wise is not only necessary now days, but I believe it's one of the best ways to use wisely what God has blessed you with.

To give you a glimpse of my couponing start. During the summer of 2009 a friend of mine had posted something on Facebook about how much she saved couponing. I was a "casual couponer" who just used coupons as I bought items at Wal-mart, thinking I was "saving". I was, but very little! One of the first sites I went to was southernsavers.com. The rest is history! "Couponing" is not just about coupons. It's about sales, and sales combined with coupons.

I realize now how naive I was about saving money. I thought our only option was to go to Wal-Mart every week, shell out $100 and walk away with just enough to get us through that week. In the summer of 2009 I started to get serious about being frugal, planted myself a little garden and canned some veggies. I was also praying at the time that God would make a way for us to live on less. We were already pretty strict with our money and spent little on extras. I sincerely prayed that if we were in his will, paying our tithes, and doing what we should, then he would have to make a way. I couldn't see any other way to save any more. As most things go, when you've done all you can, God is still there, waiting for us to ask. As we know, God hears our seemingly simple prayers too and I can, without a doubt, say that he introduced me to couponing/watching sales. What an extraordinary answer to prayer!

My hope for this site is to help you be a faithful steward of the money God gives you and in all things to wise. Believe me, once you coupon, you don't go back. I never thought I'd see name brand items, and an overflowing pantry, fridge and freezer in this house.....but when God does something, he does it right and abundantly.

Enjoy! May God richly bless you!


P.S. I am starting this site out for Wichita, but I hope to eventually include some deals for my NC, SC, and GA families!